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For more information about how to become an NPCA member, email Tim Keigher or call: (402) 474-6691.

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NPCA Members are represented by NPCA in the State of Nebraska and Washington D.C.  The association works year-round to communicate the Petroleum Industry’s position to lawmakers.  NPCA’s mission is to enable the success of its members by furthering legislation favorable to the Petroleum industry and defeating legislation detrimental to the Petroleum industry.


NPCA Members automatically become members of the Petroleum Marketers Association of America (PMAA), a federation of 47 state and regional trade associations representing approximately 8,000 independent petroleum marketers nationwide.  This means NPCA Members are represented by NPCA and PMAA in Washington D.C.


NPCA Members are part of a greater good through the PMAA Small Business Committee (SBC), a political action committee (PAC) funded by voluntary contributions from marketers across the country. PMAA regularly reports the activities of the PAC (as required by law) to the Federal Election Commission (FEC) and information about that activity is available to the public. Your contribution to the PMAA SBC PAC will:

  • Help elect individuals who are supportive of small business and independent petroleum marketers;
  • Support PMAA’s legislative and regulatory agenda;
  • Remind legislators that petroleum marketers are a political force;
  • Recognize the unique aspects of the jobber/distributor class of trade and of oilheat dealers;
  • Enable PMAA to say “yes” when supportive candidates ask for our help;
  • Assist PMAA to stand up to organizations that represent interests contrary to those of independent petroleum marketers and which are now actively building campaign war chests to defeat pro-small business candidates.

Personal contributions are limited to individuals who are members of a PMAA Member Association. Contributions to the SBC PAC are not tax deductible.  Click here to Donate to PMAA’s PAC




NPCA Members receive Legislative reports with up-to date information as bills progress through the legislative process each year.  As an industry, it is imperative that we are up to date on changes to the law and that our voices are represented in the legislative process.


NPCA Members receive a quarterly Marketers Magazine to keep them up to date on the latest industry news and events.  The Magazine is also a great advertising tool for member companies.  The Quarterly Marketers Magazine is available on the NPCA Website.


NPCA Members receive a weekly, digital Membership Newsletter with valuable, insider information to empower their success in the Petroleum Industry.  The Member Directory is available on the NPCA Website.


NPCA Members have access to on-site and online Class A/B and Class C UST Operator Training.  NPCA is contracted with Leak Specialists Inc. to provide UST Operator Training. Training courses are approved by the Nebraska State Fire Marshal’s Office.

UST Training Requirements for Nebraska:

Class A/B

Nebraska requires the training of all Class A/B operators through a state-approved course.  Class A/B operators must be retrained every five years.  However, if a UST system is found to be out of compliance, the Fire Marshal may require retraining prior to the five-year retraining date.

Class C 

Nebraska requires the training of all Class C operators through a state-approved course.  Class C Operators must be retrained every three years.  However, if the facility is found out of compliance, the Fire Marshal may require retraining prior to the three-year retraining date.

Start Your Online Training Now!

Please click here to complete the UST Operator Training.




NPCA members receive a Member Directory for networking purposes.  This is an outreach tool to collaborate and stay connected with other members.  The NPCA Member Directory is available on the NPCA Website.


NPCA Members can participate in the PACEshow, a key destination for the central Midwest region’s top buyers representing more than 5,000 petroleum and convenience retail locations.

PACEshow draws more than 2,000 attendees and features 250+ leading industry suppliers — offering c-store owners and related industry suppliers easy access to exclusive industry benefits including:

  •  The latest in products, services & equipment from the industry’s top manufacturers and service providers
  •  Industry meetings on issues fuel marketers, c-store & food/beverage retailers care most about
  •  Networking opportunities with colleagues throughout the show & social events

Visit for the latest information on PACEshow exhibitors, meetings, networking & business growth opportunities.


NPCA Members are invited to the annual NPCA & NPGA (Nebraska Propane Gas Association) Joint Convention.  This event brings two industries together for networking, educational seminars, golf, great food and fun!


NPCA Members are invited to the annual GLW & NPCA Member Golf Outing.  This is a networking event for NPCA Members, as well as a fundraiser for the George L. Watters Memorial Scholarship fund.


NPCA Members are invited to play at the annual Fairway N’ Friends Golf Outing. PMCA of Kansas and NPCA host this event to give KS and NE the opportunity to network with the best in the industry. The location of the Golf Outing varies from year to year – the most beloved courses we play are Dismal River Golf Club, Mullen, NE; Prairie Club, Valentine, NE;  Colbert Hills, Manhattan, Kansas.




The George L. Watters Memorial Scholarship was established in 1988. George Watters was an outstanding and well-respected representative of the petroleum marketing industry. Following his death several years ago, the Nebraska Petroleum Marketers Association established this scholarship to properly recall George’s leadership and integrity in the field. The Nebraska Petroleum Marketers, a member of the Petroleum Marketers Association of America, seeks to unify petroleum marketers throughout the state to effectively further the common interests of the petroleum marketing industry.

Every year, the NPCA awards 3 individuals with a $1,000 GLW Memorial Scholarship. Recipients must meet all the following criteria:

  1. Applicant must be the offspring of a current member of the Nebraska Petroleum Marketing employee.
  2. Must be a current graduating high school senior from any high school in Nebraska.
  3. Must attend a college or university in Nebraska.
  4. Must be in the upper one-third of the graduating class and must demonstrate leadership qualities and have expressed a desire and intent to continue education leading to a degree.
  5. Financial need will only be utilized as a tiebreaker in the selection process.

Click here to apply for the GLW Memorial Scholarship 

2023 Scholarship Winners

Madeline Pulver, Kenesaw High School

Father: JP Pulver, Bosselman Engergy, Inc.

The biggest challenge in my life is also the biggest motivator in my pursuit of becoming a nurse. I become uneasy not being able to help when someone is in need. My grandfather had Huntington’s disease, and as a child I was unaware of exactly how this illness was going to affect him. Over his battle with the disease, I began to understand the severity. As his symptoms became more apparent, I felt helpless to assist him in any way, but still displayed a positive attitude around him and others. It became clear to me that the effort of being strong for the sake of my family and others had to take priority over any feelings of inadequacy I faced. Toward the very end of his life, I took him a rooster pheasant feather, knowing that he had been an avid pheasant hunter in his younger years. My gift brought both a sparkle and tear to his eye, and to my eyes as well, knowing just how much my action meant to him. It was then that it occurred to me that even a small gesture can make a major impact on the lives of others. Understanding that Huntington’s disease is an autosomal dominant disorder makes it a reality that I could possess the defective gene for this disease. Having a negative attitude about that fact is not going to benefit me or anyone else, so being positive about the future and pursuing my goals is of utmost importance. I will be starting college in the fall of 2023 to earn my nursing degree. I am certain that my studies will instill within me the skills that I need to pursue a career of nursing. A nursing career offers both pros and cons. For example, I will often counsel patients after receiving a devastating diagnosis, celebrate with patients when they receive good news, and above all become a trusted person in their life. I want to go to college so I can get my degree in nursing, so I am able to be this special person in our society’s life from day to day. While working in the NICU, I will have tiny patients, but a huge impact. A huge goal of mine is to be able to help parents and families know that they are not alone and that their children make a difference in the world. This job often has very hard and complex matters to address; however, it is very important work to get done. I will accomplish these different importances and goals by working with my peers to do our absolute best work. I will also be very observant in what rounds I do. I will need to take detailed notes and communicate very thoroughly with my co-workers, especially when my shift is over, and I am transferring my tiny little patients to their next nurse. I cannot wait to see where these goals take me.

Katelyn Stark, Burke High School

Father: Eric Stark, Nebraska Iowa Supply

I have many goals for the upcoming years of my life. In college I plan on majoring in nursing. After I graduate from college with my undergraduate degree, I hope to immediately further my education in order to achieve my dream of becoming a certified nurse practitioner. The death of my grandmother from pancreatic cancer early in my high school career inspired me to pursue a career in nursing. I not only want to help patients who are sick and suffering, but I also want to offer comfort & support to their families as the nursing staff did for my family and me when my grandmother was so sick. Although her death brought me to the realization of what I want to do in my life, it also presented challenges. I have always been a hard worker and wanted to do my best, but throughout the period when my grandmother was sick, I did not have the time or motivation to put forth my best effort in school. Much of my time was spent in the hospital with her or at home thinking about her. My grandmother’s death affected me greatly, but I persevered. I knew that in order to become someone she would be proud of, I had to keep working hard in school. It would be rewarding to receive a scholarship for the time and effort I have put into my education. The less loans I have to take out during my undergrad, the better due to the fact that I plan to continue my education immediately after I graduate with my B.S. in Nursing.

2022 Scholarship Winners

Laura Kuhr, Mead High School

Mother: Michelle Kuhr, Sapp Bros

I have decided that I want to major in engineering. I believe that this is a great fit for me because not only do I love math and science but I want to help make the world a better place by doing those things. I want to make the most of my college education and put it to use when I find a job. My goal for my job is to make sure that I am doing what I love while also helping the environment and others. A personal goal that I wish to fulfill is to live the life I want and not the ones that others expect me to take. I want to be the one going out in the world and making a change, not to leave it up to someone else to do it for me. The accomplishments that I have received above continue to push me to better myself. Not all of them are first place kind of awards and instead of feeling sorry for myself, I figure out what I am going to change for the next year. Lately, I have not been getting the desired amount of playing time in basketball. To fix that I am pushing myself inside and outside of practice so that I can get to where I want to be. I am not a quitter and I never will be.

Kylee Hasselmann, Grand Island Central Catholic

Father: Travis Hasselmann, Bosselman Energy

From kindergarten through eighth grade, I went to school with the same 40 kids. I made some really close friends and have many great memories of most of them, but as I got older I drifted away from several students who I was around the most. High school came along and I was at Grand Island Northwest, and things went downhill. I didn’t really fit in with the group of girls I was involved with in sports: volleyball, basketball, and track. I decided that the best option for me was to transfer to an entirely new school where I only knew about a handful of kids.
Because I am an independent person, finding new friends can be a challenge at times. I had to re-introduce myself to all my new classmates at Grand Island Central Catholic. Everyone in the school was very welcoming and nice to me. I tried to get involved in as many extracurricular activities as I could, starting with a member of Future Business Leaders of America and eventually working my way up to the National Honor Society. I decided to get involved in everything I could because I wanted to show my talents to my teachers and coaches so they could see what I was capable of, both academically and athletically.
This new experience taught me how to interact with the world around me and how to adapt to new situations. This change will help me be better prepared for the career path that I want to pursue: business, and more specifically, Accounting. Numbers have always fascinated me from first learning how to add, subtract, multiply and divide, to now making sure that debits equal credits.
My leadership skills gained throughout high school have taught me how to be assertive and speak up. I have grown in my ability and to influence others to be good leaders themselves. Youth Leadership Tomorrow really helped me learn how to get to know others and how to interact with those around me. My public speaking skills have drastically improved, and now I feel more confident about being in front of a larger audience and speaking. For example, I now lead middle schoolers every Wednesday night through faith-related activities to grow closer to God. Being a leader for them is something that is important to me because I want those middle schoolers to have someone to look up to as a leader as they grow up.
Being involved in all of the activities that I could at Grand Island Central Catholic and around the community has helped shape me into the person that I am today. The opportunities that I was given have opened my eyes to the business world and all the opportunities available. The business industry attracts me because it allows me to use the skills that I love: numbers, helping others, and showing leadership, in my everyday life. One day I hope to use my knowledge and gifts with numbers to help better corporations in the future.

Chloe Mettenbrink, Grand Island Senior High School

Father: Trent Mettenbrink, TerraVest Industries

Growing up I always struggled to read. I was diagnosed with dyslexia when I was nine years old. I was pulled from class because of my reading challenges. Many of my classmates did not understand my learning needs. When my special education teacher arrived to my classroom for our pull-out instruction, I would leave class with other students with autism, down syndrome, and other learning disabilities. I began to form bonds with the kids in my special class.
When I was in fifth grade I was reading at a second grade level. I struggled but I knew I could improve with the right help. By the end of my fifth grade year I was reading at grade level. Despite my learning disability, I have been able to find strategies to help me be successful. Now, as a high schooler, I am a part of the National Honors Society, Student Council and many other student leadership groups. I devote a lot of my time to my studies and work extremely hard to earn good grades. The end result of this dedication and perseverance is extremely rewarding.
Due to my academic journey and style of learning, individuals with special needs became close to my heart. I believe in the friendships we formed and the unique connections we have. Even though my disability may not be as extreme as others, we understand each other’s situations and how we are each unique. We know what it feels like to be looked at by our peers. We know we are different.
Forming friendships with other students with learning disabilities and special needs has become a big part of who I am and my journey. It has led me to the job I have now. I work at the Children’s Rehabilitation Clinic and am surrounded by kids with learning disabilities and special needs. I may help them every day but they help me in even bigger ways. I have learned to be understanding, patient, and kind because of the way they show kindness to others. There is nothing more pure than the hearts of special needs children and how they perceive the world. It has been a rewarding and remarkable experience to surround myself with special needs children.
My connection with special needs children and my own academic challenges have prompted me to become an Occupational Therapy Assistant. After completing my program as an Occupational Therapist Assistant, I plan to continue on and become specialized in a specific area of occupational therapy. The challenges that I experience and the struggles that I see in the kids that I work with drives me to give back and show others that truly anything is possible when you work hard. Confidence to know that I believe in the patients and the opportunity to provide them the encouragement they need have become important to me. Helping patients with disabilities exceed their limitations and advocating others in seeing abilities in disabilities is my goal.

Cylee Jameson, Thedford High School

Father: Richard Jameson, Sandhill Oil and past NPCA President

My future ambitions are to attend Concordia University in Seward, Nebraska where I can receive my business administration degree. I have full intentions and commitment to continue my basketball career at the next level in Seward. At college, I want to learn, change, and grow into a person that is most beneficial to the people around me. Whether this be volunteering at a local business, contributing to classroom discussions, or teaching someone something they have never done before. I want to show people what they have the ability to do. Once completing college, I want to go on to cosmetology school where I can pursue my second passion. After completing a 14 month program, I will open up my own business where I can provide every beauty service to my customers. Ever since I was a little girl, I have had a love for hair, makeup, and beauty. I can remember when this started, which was when I would watch my mom get ready for the day every morning before taking me to school. It would bring me so much satisfaction and fascination that I think my mom even knew that it was something that I would enjoy doing for a long time. Each time I do my friends and family’s makeup when they go out, I never cease to amaze myself when I see the finished product. Apart from the things that I do to contribute to my passions outside of school, I love the classroom. It gives me confidence in myself to do challenging things in school. This includes things like undertaking three college courses in a semester, or balancing the work with my sports and other everyday distractions. These challenges boost me to bring more energy into my future ambitions because I know what I am capable of doing and becoming. Being the daughter of a business owner, I have grown up learning how to successfully run one, and the joys of being able to do so. It allows for a person to have their own niches outside of their business like serving on the board of a community foundation, or just being someone who can be there for their community when their name is called. It allows you to help people in need of jobs and also improve the lives of the people that you are providing your service to. Running a business of my own is not just an aspect for the owner to hold to themselves. For me, owning a business shows unity and growth in the community, to make the community withstand any hardships because it makes the people involved have the dearest interest in how it performs. When I am able to do so, I will continue to learn, change, and grow into the person who is best fit for the people around me.

2021 Scholarship Winners

Tyler Downey, Fremont Senior High School

Mother: Mandy Downey, Sapp Bros. Travel Center

I am very honored to receive this scholarship. I greatly appreciate the opportunity to use this money to continue my education at the University of Nebraska Lincoln. My life has been far from easy and I have faced hardships throughout my journey. With the help of the money I have received, I can work towards achieving my goals of making the world a better place for myself, but those around me as well. I know that UNL is the right fit for me to pursue my dreams of becoming a mechanical engineer. UNL offers a variety of internships, clubs, and organizations that can get me involved in the real world. Using the money I have been awarded, I will start my own story by attending UNL. Thank you to George Watters, and all of the people involved in the scholarship opportunity.

McKenzie Johnson, Central Valley High School

Mother: Christina Johnson, Bosselman Energy

Dear George L. Watters Memorial Scholarship Committee, I cannot thank you enough for your generosity in selecting me to be a recipient of this scholarship. Receiving this scholarship means so much to me and I will use this opportunity to excel in the 2021-2022 academic year, and for many years after. Being granted this scholarship not only helps me tremendously, but also my family. You all have helped me in so many ways that you won't be able to completely know, and I promise that I will use this scholarship to become the best person I can be so I can give back to others in my career just as you all have done.

McKenzie Johnson

Alivia Baucom, Rock Port High School

Mother: Elinor Baucom, Sapp Bros.

Thank you all so much for the opportunity for me to receive this scholarship. I plan to further my career in the nursing field while working in Nebraska. I will be attending Doane University as well. This award will help me immensely, and I want to thank you all again.

With Sincere Gratitude,

Alivia Baucom

McKenzie Moore, Mercy High School

Father: Richard Scott Moore, Western Oil

Dear Donors,

It is with the upmost gratitude that I say thank you for choosing me as the recipient of the the George L. Watters Memorial scholarship. Is with your aid that in the fall I will be attending at the university of Nebraska Omaha with hopes of obtaining a degree in biology and continue on to veterinary school. I am truly grateful for all the support, thank you again!

McKenzie Moore

Ashlyn Wright, Central Valley High School

Mother: Angeline Wright, Trotters Whoa & Go

To the George L. Watters Memorial Scholarship Committee, I can’t begin to thank you enough for this scholarship! It is truly an honor, and one that I do not take lightly. This scholarship will not only benefit my education, but those whom I am able to help through my degree. With this scholarship, I am able to further my education at the University of Nebraska Lincoln. This award helps lift the anxiety of affording all the expenses of college, and I am so thankful for your kindness and help. I plan to further my education in a smart and healthy way, and will not let this award go to waste. Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart!

– Ashlyn Wright

Alyssa Dozler, Spalding Academy

Mother: Sharyn Dozler, Country Partners Cooperative

I would like to thank the family of George L. Watters for awarding me this scholarship in his memory. The scholarship will greatly benefit me in my future plans of attending the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and majoring in Pre-Health and Forensic Science. This award will be used for my education as an undergraduate student to help me reach my future career goal of becoming an Anesthesiologist. It is a great honor to be a recipient of your continued support, giving young adults opportunities to fulfill their dreams. Thank you again for awarding me this scholarship, it is truly appreciated!

– Alyssa Dozier

2020 Scholarship Winners

Madalyn Crouse, Thayer Central High School

Grandfather: Charles Kleveland, NPCA President / Uncle: Chas Kleveland, Footes Convenience Plaza 

My name is Madalyn Crouse and I am from Chester, Nebraska. I graduated with a 4.0 GPA from Thayer Central in Hebron. Throughout high school I have been part of band, choir, NHS, Rhythmaires, FBLA, superior honor roll, letter club, and volleyball. I plan to attend UNL this fall to study actuarial science with a minor in accounting. My grandfather, Charles Kleveland, was the past president-elect of the Nebraska Petroleum Marketers Association. My uncle, Chas Kleveland, is owner of Footes Convenience Plaza in Kearney. 

Maya Dehart, Central Valley High School

Mother: Wendy Wadas, Trotters Whoa & Go

My name is Maya Dehart.  I'm from Ord, Nebraska  and I graduated from Central Valley High school.  I plan on attending Northeast Community College to pursue my passion and education for agriculture and will major in Diversified Ag. 

2019 Scholarship Winners

Alena Carlson, Aurora High School

Father: Jerry Carlson, Aurora Cooperative

My name is Alena Carlson and I am a senior at Aurora High School. I will be graduating summa kum laude with a GPA of 4.05. Throughout high school I have been involved in Softball, FCCLA, National Honor Society, Junior Leadership Academy, Senior Leadership Team, Choir, and Band. Next fall I plan to attend the University of Nebraska at Kearney and study Natural Resource Management.

Samantha Graham, Nebraska City High School

Mother: Christina Hilgerson, Speedee Mart

I am a high school senior who goes to Nebraska City High School, and is planning on attending Hastings College in the fall of this year for Business Administration/ law and Criminology. I am a very dedicated student when it comes to school. I take my time working on what I need. I keep all A's and B's throughout the school years. I also have been on honor roll for 7 years. My saying is this: go to school, get your education. Yes, it may not be the best 8 hours of your life, but some of this information really will help you in the future. All you have to do is go to school, pay attention, pass the class and get a good grade. If you do so, you get good grades and you can be on honor roll, which helps you get into colleges and get any scholarship.

Past Scholarship Winners

Dylan Andersen

I will be attending Peru State College in the fall semester of 2016.  I will be majoring in Wildlife Ecology with a minor in Biology.  I hope to use these degrees to continue into the area of game and parks or other wildlife professions.  I have always enjoyed being outdoors and some of my favorites activities include hunting and fishing.   I would like to come back to the  Sandhills area after college and work either at the Valentine National Wildlife Refuge, or the Halsey National Forest.  While attending Peru State College I will also be participating on their football team.  In the future I would like to help with coaching youth sports, because they have been such an important part of my life.

Katelyn Oathout

In the fall I will be attending the University of Nebraska at Omaha. I will be pursuing my dream of becoming a nurse by getting my Bachelors of Science in nursing degree. Attending college is important to me because I will be the first in my family to do so. I’m excited to further my education and motivated to learn about medicine.

Jessica Mohnsen

Next fall, I will be attending Nebraska Wesleyan University. I plan to be a member of there volleyball team. I would like to pursue a degree in behavioral health but am not sure what areas for sure.

Trevor Logeman

I am going to attend Midland University in Fremont Nebraska next fall. I’m undecided on a major but will be playing Football for the Warriors.

Noah Mosier

Noah is a 2016 graduate of Deshler High School. He will be attending the University of Nebraska at Omaha to pursue a degree in Electronics Engineering. He has been accepted to participate in the “Engineering the Leader in You” living and learning community where he will have additional opportunities to enhance his professional skills.

Mirissa Hurtig

I will be attending Northeast Community College in Norfolk, NE. I will be pursuing a degree in the Physical Therapy Assistant program

Tate Zwiebel

Tate is a graduate from Boone Central High School (Albion, NE). Tate will be attending the University of Nebraska – Lincoln and majoring in Wildlife and Fisheries with the hope of becoming a Wildlife Biologist.

Ryan Winkler

After high school I plan on going to SCC in Milford for non-destructive testing. This is a two year course where I will learn how to test welds, machine parts, and any other items a company wants tested for defects. I want to stay in Lincoln, but most of the starting jobs I will find will be out of state. I hope to be able to come back to Nebraska once I gain enough experience. I want to live in the community I grew up in.

Erin Doernemann

My name is Erin Doernemann, a 2016 graduate of Fremont Public School, Fremont, NE. I will be attending University of Nebraska-Lincoln in the Environmental Studies. I plan on receiving my Master’s degree through the CASNR study program. My goal is to build a successful career in water management, geology, or environmental consultation. My high school activities included, band, key club, cross country, basketball, trapshooting team, and 4-H

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Nebraska Petroleum Marketers & Convenience Store Association

Phone: (402) 474-6691
1320 Lincoln Mall – Suite 10
Lincoln, Nebraska 68508